Sunday, September 30, 2007

#15 library 2.0 and web 2.o
This section took alot of reading. It was very interesting though. I agree that libraries need to cooperate, and collaborate on integrating collections and services to survive. In the release lightweight services section I was unaware of all the services that make it easy to sydicate data, services and systems to be remixed- It looks like OCLC is very much looking into new various ways to keep libraries vital. In the- to a temporary place in time, the evolution of the library was very informative and interesting. It boggles my mind of how fast the technology affects the library and society itself. I can't even phanthom the changes we and the community in which we serve will have to adapt to in the future. It is scary in a way but you always have to look forward if libraries as a whole want to play a vital role in the future.
#14 was very interesting. I liked the statement in the beginning of Technorati, that patrons really don't know what to search for on the internet. I see this has a good way to search for topics they are interested in. This was also a nice way to find out about the blogs themselves.
I read about tagging, #13. As it said, many of the best parts of don't require an account, I did not make one. Quite frankly, I can't keep straight all the other accounts I have set up for the prior steps. I read all the data and scoped out some of the tags. Believe me, I am not being negative just honest. I am really learning and have never had a need to do all these things, but it is good to know about them if I ever have one. I'm just a really private person. I do see a need for someone or some incidents that would require to have tags. It is a great tool to connect your home computer with your work computer. I also see it for a great resource for sharing information especially for those who enjoy doing that, or is helpful in their line of work.
Well I have successfully have created a Rollyo account,step #12. It is great that everything comes up so fast. This really seems to save time. I never dreamed you could streamline so much.

Monday, September 3, 2007

#11-Library Thing

I have set up an account in Library Thing. I am a mystery enthusiast so I have posted 5 mystery books into my account successfully.
Well I've completed step #10. I viewed image generators. It seems I have been successful in posting this. This was fun. Onward and Upward.
Well, I was successful in setting up a Bloglines account. I really liked how everything you are interested in, comes to your fingertips by just clicking on a few categories. I can see this as a quick and easy way to do research and keeping up on hobbies etc.

Commenting on 7 1/2 habits

I viewed the 7 1/2 habits. I believe that to be a lifelong learner you do need to be open to new experiences and keep a positive attitude. I liked how it pointed out that writing out a contract helps you keep a goal in mind. The contract to me also assists you on your journey to achieve a positive outcome . But, as a final comment and constructive point of view, the format that 7 1/2 habits was given was a little slow and could have been more upbeat to hold your attention.